Workshop Series for Early Childhood Professionals – Supporting Children with Refugee and Migration Backgrounds
Im Folgenden möchten wir Fachkräfte, die im frühkindlichen Bildungsbereich tätig sind, ganz herzlich zu unserer Online Workshopreihe einladen. Dieses Fortbildungsangebot wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden.
In many early childhood education and care facilities, valuable experiences and approaches to inclusion and support have emerged with the increased acceptance of children and families with refugee and migration biographies. Building on existing inclusive approaches, our workshops focus on the foundations of a trauma-informed learning environment, culturally sensitive family collaboration, and multilingualism. We invite you to our workshops where we will exchange ideas and explore methods of providing refugee and migrant children with a safe, mindful, supportive, and encouraging space to learn, play, and thrive. Upon registering, all participants receive comprehensive materials that invite them to reflect on themselves and their practice, and a handbook with practical exercises. The free online workshop series is aimed at all professionals and care providers working in kindergartens, refugee accommodations, family centers, child and youth assistance offices, and counseling centers who want to empower young children and families affected by displacement and migration. A certificate of participation will be provided. Further information on the different modules will be provided here:
Module I: Foundations of a Trauma-informed Learning Environment
In the first module, you will learn about stress and how toxic stress can affect children´s development. Together, we will examine methods and approaches to creating a stabilizing environment for young children that strengthens their self-efficiency and emotional regulation.
Module II: Culturally Sensitive Family Cooperation
In this module, we will discuss how you can strengthen trust and meaningful working relationships with families. We will identify the success factors of culturally sensible cooperation with parents with diverse backgrounds.
Module III: Multilingualism
In this module, you will gain practical insights about multilingualism acquisition in early childhood education. We will create exchange formats that invite you to consider and try out ideas and implementation possibilities for promoting multilingualism.
16.11.2023: Modul I (Foundations of a Trauma-informed Learning Environment)
30.11.2023: Modul II (Culturally Sensitive Family Cooperation)
14.12.2023: Modul III (Multilingualism)
All workshops take place from 3 pm – 6 pm
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
For questions, requests and feedback, please feel free to contact us: